El Vacío - The Void
Melancholy - Part 1
The Inner Labyrinth
Ser Viviente - Lebe-Wesen
Landscapes of Love
2017 El Vacío - The Void
A piece in four acts created with a 2-channel video installation. The piece is about the idea of the fifth element of Buddhism. The possibility of getting through the emptiness. The theme of this work is the relationship of human beings to reality and their discoveries of the dependence on traditional rules and profound laws.
Dancer: Isabel Beteta De Cou + María de Lourdes Macareno, 30 mins.
Production: CC Los Talleres MX + Sic! Film Art Productions DE
2013 Melancholy - Part 1
A play after "That Time" by Samuel Beckett, Direction: Wolfgang H Scholz, Choreography: Katsura Kan
Dancer: Isabel Beteta De Cou + Eustorgio Guzmán, 20 mins.
3-channel video installation, Production: CC Los Talleres + Sic! Film GmbH
2013 The Inner Labyrinth
A play about the artifical sensation of time
Dancer: Isabel Beteta De Cou + Citlali Quintero Mejia, 23 mins.
2-channel video installation, Production: CC Los Talleres + Sic! Film GmbH
2005 Ser Viviente (LEBE-WESEN) - Stück für zwei Maschinen
und zwei Tänzerinnen / play for two machines and two dancers.
Production for / Inszenierung für das Foro del Museo del Chopo +
CC Los Talleres A.C., Mexico City 25 mins.
2002 Cicles - Inszenierung für / production for Covarrubias Theatre
+ National Commitee for Dance + CC Los Talleres, Mexico City 41 mins.
2001 Landscape of Love - Inszenierung für / production for
Centro de la Imagen + CC Los Talleres, Mexico City 43 mins.
1995 Riten - only films for the 3. Festival "A*Devantgarde"
at the New Theatre, Munich
"Time I - Okanagon" 11 mins. / video
"Time II - Melodie" 16 mins. / video
"Time III - At rest and rushing" 20 mins. / 16mm
1994 Balance
Inszenierung / Production Gasteig Munich Gasteig München/ 46 mins.
1993 Häutungen / Scinnings - only film/16mm/17 mins.